Wednesday 3 April 2013

Monitor calibration - FINAL.

Okay, so after performing my original two monitor calibrations a few weeks back, i have just performed a final calibration for this semester.

It is an easy process to perform. However i struck the same problem as I had last time where the monitor kept asking me to add more RED when the red was actually already at 100% value. All i could do here was drop the BLUE and GREEN values which subsiquently allowed me to bring down the RED and then begin to re-balance the three values all over again from scratch. I managed to get the values quite close.

Here are a few screen-grabs.


Finally, the following screen-shots represents both the EIZO monitor profile and my macbook pro profile combined as a 3D model overlay.

Keeping in mind that the EIZO monitor is able to cover the full gamut of the AdobeRGB colour space - this 3D model, consisting of LAB factors, clearly shows where my macbook pro monitor lacks colour reproduction - especially in the aqua/blues and magenta zones.

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