Sunday 31 March 2013

High Dynamic Range - Final result.

Okay, so after  my first initial tests and some feedback, i managed to capture another collection of bracketed exposures ready for HDR processing.

Here is how i went about things.

The three bracketed exposures (-2, correct and +2) were selected
and opened with Photoshop's built-in HDR-Pro feature.

HDR Pro gives a sufficient level of adjustments. It is not a precise as
PHOTOMATIX, but will produce a solid result for most people.
After a few minor tweaks to the available adjustments in Photoshop's
HDR Pro - it then opened a flattened single image into the main
Photoshop interface. I then proceeded to make perspective
corrections, masked out some annoying leaves and cropped in
on the duplicated version of the original image layer.

Finally, once everything was looking correct in the frame I added a
LEVELS adjustment layer to boost some life into what was a
pretty dull original image.


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